22.05.214 - 09.07.2016 (intoxication)
Father- Yanosch von der Herbordsburg, Mother- Chanson d`ete Athena.
Born 22.05.2014 Medium size, apricot female. PRA prcd A by parents
Owner Tatjana Krivoruchko, Iliychevsk, Ukraine.
Father- Yanosch von der Herbordsburg, Mother- Chanson d`ete Athena.
Born 22.05.2014 Medium size, apricot female. PRA prcd A by parents
Owner Tatjana Krivoruchko, Iliychevsk, Ukraine.

Cora`s (on the left) first show with great result- BIS BABY 4th place!!! On the right- Masha, Zolotaja Pektoral Maria Mirabella BB, BOB.